How to contact us about Concrete Buildings

If you have any questions regarding our buildings we’d love to hear from you. Not everyone experiences the selection of a garage or even a garden shed in their lifetime, unlike the choice of a new car. Today our buildings feature changes that meet current needs. Zero maintenance, fixings for solar panels and wind turbines, extra internal headroom, optional DIY savings, the list goes on.

Our business hours are 8.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Thursday, 8.30am to 3.30pm Friday.

Telephone:  01386 430 121                   Address:  Leofric Building Systems Ltd
                              Hillside House
                                                                           Stratford Road
                                                                           GL55 6SR

If you would like further information regarding our products please use this address to reach us:
Please include your name, address and phone number with your enquiry Alternatively call us on 01386 430 121 if you would like further information regarding our products.

Thank you for your interest in our products
Colin Hammond
Director – Leofric Building Systems Ltd

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